Look for Related Cases

The most productive way to gain new ideas in resolving a case is to look for related cases. This not only provides fresh perspectives but also aids in analyzing an issue from different dimensions and its many possible solutions. It is ideal to read as many cases as possible again and again to comprehend the scenario thoroughly well. First of all, a researcher needs to understand that law could be best understood by reading cases over and over again and other primary sources like constitutions and treaties. Secondary sources like text books can only aid in better understanding of the cases and can never substitute the primary sources which form the basis.

Another resourceful source is the journals containing judicial opinions. Here opinions are offered on cases and can serve as models to learn the kind of writing and talking practiced in legal areas. Customary phrasings, ways of using precedents are all some of the advantages one can gain by reading judicial opinions of experts. They also provide an idea about the terminologies to avoid in legal correspondences. Related cases can tell about the sections which are applicable to a particular situation and the manner in which a case must be approached.

To be able to write precisely, one needs to be a good reader. When cases are read over and over again, it becomes easy to identify its weaknesses and explore options to eliminate those weaknesses. One can also get familiar with the usual questions posed for certain situations and the reasoning ability of both sides. The persuasive arguments and theirs impacts on the decisions being made can help in getting a clearer image of the whole scenario. Also, reading enables one to analyze cases in a much better manner. Identifying if the cases are well written, effective, its function and purpose, subject transitions, logical and conclusive helps in honing many of the skills required to be successful.